Saturday, November 5, 2011

... I cannot stand you, iTunes.

I love my iPhone. I do. Really. It has been such an added convenience in my life, I don't know how I would get through the day without it. It gives me directions, plays my music, tracks my runs, recommends restaurants, stores my books, provides me a way to balance my checkbook, keeps me connected to everyone. It generally makes my life easier. However iTunes, you must be one of the least user-friendly programs I have ever encountered. You are not intuitive. You require constant updates. On more than one occasion, I have opened you to discover my library of music was simply gone. I have had to re-register my iPhone with you several times...on the same computer. Each time I have to re-register my iPhone, you require me to erase my current playlist on my iPhone and replace it with the new music I want to add. Why can't I just add a few songs to my existing playlist? You know what, iTunes? You make me want to re-evaluate my relationship with my iPhone. I miss syncing music with Windows Media. Why do I have to use you?? What's with the monopoly, Apple?? All I really want to be able to do is view my library, and pick what songs I want to add to my phone. I can't do that, iTunes! Why must I be forced to add an entire album? What if I don't like the entire album? What if I only want a couple songs from that album? Why are you trying to control my listening experience??? And now you tell me there is a software update for my iPhone. Great! Will it solve any of my current issues? Will I be able to do things I can't currently do with my existing software version? Well, I suppose I'll never know....upon clicking "Update Software", you informed me that completing said update would erase all the apps on my phone and that in order to preserve them, I need to perform the update on the computer I use to sync my device. Since I'm already using that computer, I'm not really sure what else you want from me, but I'm certainly not going to risk losing all my apps for the sake of software that's probably not going to make any difference to me at all. No thank you, iDecline.

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