Wednesday, November 16, 2011

... I am a Twi-lite

The term used to described a diehard Twilight fan is "Twi-hard". This term refers to those willing to brave the midnight lines for the newest premiere, the bookstore signings; in short - all things fanatically Twilight. This I am not. What I am is an almost 30 year old fan of a series geared towards teenage girls. There's enough shame in that statement alone to keep me away from the midnight movie lines. My pride couldn't handle being one with the tweeny Twi-hards. So I will call myself a Twi-lite.
Like most book-to-movie adaptions, the books far surpass the movies in terms of content, quality and pretty much everything else. However, again, it doesn't do much for my pride to admit that I've not only seen all the movies (more than once), but I've also carefully dissected each page of all the books (more than twice) enough to know the differences between the two. It's a straight shot through my self-esteem to try to explain to a non-Twilighter how the books are better....justification for my guilty indulgence doesn't matter to those who judge me. They still judge (as they should) regardless of my reason. They know, perhaps better than I, that I have been suckered by the mass-marketed lure of Bella and her vampire/werewolf love triangle. They know and they pity. And judge.
That said, I confess my inner tween is geeking out a little bit (okay, maybe a lot) over the pending premiere of the newest addition to the Twilight series this week. Sadly, since moving to Wilmington, I no longer have any of my fellow "Twi-lites" nearby to attend the movie with me. (Please note, when I say "attend the movie", I mean I will be attending a showing that takes place at least a safe 24-48 hours after the initial release. I do have some scraps of pride left.) And I love my husband too much to subject him to the cheese and drama that will surely be contained within the 2 hours of Breaking Dawn. I must also confess that, after awaiting this release for so many months, I'm not sure if I have the restraint to wait until the movie hits DVDs in a few months. Although, the alternative is attending the movie by myself. At which point, I'm not sure I could deny Twi-hard status much longer. After all, what self-respecting 28 year old attends a Twilight movie without the security blanket of her best girlfriends and fellow Twi-lites?

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