Monday, October 24, 2011

... I drank cute boots

Or at least the monetary equivalent. I spent about $40 on the cleansing system I  used this weekend. I could've spent that money on some really cute boots instead, and probably been happier with my purchase. I did lose 2.5 lbs this weekend. But I don't feel cleansed, I feel stripped. I spent the majority of the weekend feeling slightly drained and fairly cranky. The cleansing system was a drink I was to drink over the course of 2 days. The only foods I was allowed to eat was raw fruits or veggies or lean meats, and only in small quantities. In addition to the cleanser, I could also drink as much water as I wanted. I would say I adhered to the rules about 90%. Both mornings I did have coffee, and for dinner each night I had a salad that included peppers, grilled chicken, a little bit of parmesan and dressing. ( spellchecker wants me to change the spelling of "dressing". Odd.) Anyway, I definitely did notice that once I started to get hungry, my body literally craved garbage. My brain instantly went to wanting processed foods, white starches, and sugars. It was very eye-opening to experience those cravings first hand. I previously felt pretty confident that I did a decent job of eating a balanced diet, but this weekend has shown me that my body is more addicted to garbage than I realized. It also showed me how easily I can fall victim to marketing and trends. I confess I wasted $40. I didn't need to go hungry and drink green goop all weekend. I didn't need to try and cleanse my system, I just need to cleanse my kitchen. And maybe reward my new found knowledge with some cute boots.

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