FACT: A person seen in Wal-mart appears 47% less desirable than the same person seen in Target, and a staggering 78% less desirable than when seen in a trendy coffee shop.
Okay, so maybe not fact per se.....and perhaps the percentages are a touch exaggerated. Or are they? Be honest, you've logged time at work perusing peopleofwalmart.com. There is no peopleoftarget.com or peopleofstarbucks.com for a reason. The people who shop at Target and Starbucks and Harris Teeter and Kohl's aren't nearly as entertaining as the people at Walmart. (side note - if there isn't a peopleofthemall.com, there totally should be) The truth is, simply being at Wal-mart comes with an expectation of, how do I say this delicately.....TRASH.
Yes, I do realize that to see such folk in their natural habitat, then I too, by default, must be a person of Wal-mart. It means that I must also be making the trek to the Ruler of Roll-backs, the Mecca of Mark-downs. But (and here's where the snob comes out to play) I am not a "person of Wal-mart". I am better than that. And so are you. Or maybe you're not, and now you're completely offended....sorry. Sort of.
Right or wrong, I confess I ruthlessly judge the people I encounter in Wal-mart. I see men (and women) with mullets. I see obese women with shorts too short and shirts too tight. I see 17 children to one mother. I see white girls with cornrows. I see men with their stomachs hanging out from beneath their shirt and their crack making an appearance above their pants. I see people who, judging from their overall ensemble, clearly have no idea what decade it is. I see tween goths. I see women over 50 dressed in the same style as their teenage granddaughter. I see these people and I think they must have no friends because no one warned them not to go out in public looking like that. I see these people and I think "Thank goodness I don't look like one of them"...........Right?!?!
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