I'm going to just come right out and say it...I don't like breastfeeding. I did
it with my Nick, and I'm doing it with my Zoe. I know all the
benefits, and all the reasons why I should do it, and I fully intend to
continue to do it. But I just need to whine for a minute about not
liking it.
I don't like having to be the one up in the middle of the
night. I don't like nursing in public. I don't like having to sit down
for an unknown period of time every 2-4 hours. I don't like nursing
bras. I don't like the "nursing mother's wardrobe" (clothes that allow easy access for nursing). I don't like having to rush every single shower, lest the little princess become too hungry. I don't like feeling that I can't go out for some me time for longer than an hour or so. I just. don't. like. it.
Yes, I know there are solutions for a lot of my dislikes.
I know I can pump to keep a supply on-hand so that Jason can handle some feedings at night, or when I want to go out. And if someone could find me a free 20 minutes where I'm not having to keep up with Nick during the day, or contending with Zoe's hourly nursing sessions from 8-12 every night, I'd be happy to pump. But right now, it ain't happenin'.
I know that I can nurse in public. And I know that I have every right to. And as much as I'd love to be one of those moms that righteously and defiantly whips out a breast to suckle her hungry babe where ever the need arises, fact is - I'm just not. It's an overall uncomfortable affair and I'm not entirely comfortable with nursing just anywhere. But it's not just the mental aspect. Physically, it is freaking uncomfortable. Picture this...once you get the nursing cover on, you've got to navigate in/around/under your clothes (see the need for the "nursing mother's wardrobe"?), as well as the nursing bra. You've got to discreetly get your boob out and available for your hungry screaming child - who everyone is now probably eyeing with annoyance. All of this while also attempting to keep the nursing cover in place, avoiding any wardrobe malfunctions. Yeah...I just LOVE doing all that. In public. A lot. (Insert sarcasm) Oh, and none of this takes into account what to do if I'm out with both kids and Zoe needs to nurse and Nick - inevitably - does something that requires me to stand up...needs to go potty, falls down, runs out of my line of sight, etc, etc...My choices are either walk/run through a public place with a baby on the boob, under my backwards cape/nursing cover OR stop nursing, put everything back in it's place and THEN walk/run through a public place with a still screaming/hungry baby. Again, let me reiterate...it is an overall uncomfortable affair.
As for the having to sit down complaint, all you baby-wearers are about to jump in and correct me and tell me that I don't have to restrict my activity just because I'm nursing, aren't you? "Throw that baby in a wrap/sling and nurse her while you keep up with your regular activities!" And again, I'd love to...but I have big boobs and while that's usually a great thing, it puts me at a bit of a disadvantage this time. But for the record, I do love baby-wearing.
Like I said, I know all the good things about breastfeeding and why I should do it. All the health benefits to both Zoe and to me, all the bonding we get to share. It's free. We don't have to mix any formula. We don't have to smell formula poop. Yeah, yeah...all that IS true. But be honest, Moms. We would all be lying if we said we loved the whole business of breastfeeding. Take my mommy card if you need to, but either way I must confess I just. don't. like. it.
Know what else I don't like? This...
Trust me, you are NOT alone! I didn't nurse long with Peyton because of my discomfort in public. With Jackson, I have fought through the discomfort and found some things that work. Also, I will say that by 3 months, he was going 3-4 hour stretches so it was better for getting things done and now he eats 4 times a day and sleeps all night so I can plan around him pretty good now..so..it gets better which I know you know! Hang in..the middle of the nights are hardest so I hope you get past those soon. :)