Wednesday, August 16, 2017

I don't know what to say

As a (sometimes) writer, words are kind of my thing. As a mom, an ungodly amount of words escape my lips on a daily basis. Silence - to me - can be golden, and words - to me - can be overused. And when I do choose to say something, I try to make the words matter.
So please, stop telling me that "my silence is the problem". Please stop saying that my lack of words on a social media platform means that I'm to blame for the state of our country. Please stop assuming that my lack of visible outrage on Facebook must mean that I agree with any one side.

Here's what my "silence" does mean...

It means I'm stunned. Stunned that this level of hatred - and sadly yes, from both sides - can exist in a world where we seem to have been making so much progress. In a world where we hear songs, see videos, and watch group after group promote love and healing at every turn. Stunned that in 2017, this is the condition in which we find our country and our lives.

It means I'm heartbroken. I'm crushed that racism on this level, on any level is present. I'm devastated that this hate-filled world is the reality for my children. I'm heartbroken that anyone can look at another of God's creations and hate them simply for how they look, what they believe, or who they love. That is not the world our Creator intended.

It means that I'd rather avoid getting into Facebook squabbles over my beliefs or opinions. My beliefs and opinions are just that, mine. And when opinions get shared on social media, no matter what they are, someone (almost) always insists they are wrong...simply because they don't share the same opinion. The beauty of this world is that we all have different opinions, beliefs, and ideas. When we can find a way to love and respect each other in spite of, and dare I say even because of, those differences, our world will be a much more vibrant, beautiful place. But sadly, the social media platform doesn't allow room for that. It's become a place to argue among ourselves via comment threads, witty GIFs, and snarky memes. My silence means that I want no part of that. There are plenty of people online who are very succinctly saying things I believe and agree with. Sometimes I "like" them, sometimes not.

My silence thus far online means that I'm choosing to be busy loving on my people, and those in the world around us. Hate has no place in this world. We as a people, as individuals, as groups of citizens - white, black, asian, gay, straight, man, woman, trans, Christians, Muslims, Jewish, atheists - every single one of us, MUST show love to drive out hate. We must hold doors. We must give hugs. We must help a friend. Pray with a stranger. Hand a 10-spot to the homeless guy on the street. Open our doors and our hearts. In the small, seemingly insignificant ways. In the mighty ways. We MUST love more. The world can most assuredly be changed by more love but it's unlikely that one more angry, impassioned political Facebook post is going to be world changing.

My silence doesn't mean I'm complacent, or that I agree. It simply means I don't know what to say. Except that I love you.