Sunday, August 5, 2012

...I have a new pregnancy craving

I don't usually post recipes on here, but this one deserves some attention. If this is on Pinterest somewhere, I'm not aware. So, for now, I'm claiming this one as mine. The idea came to me without any prompting from the Internet. Whether or not the idea has also occured to someone else, I don't know.
Anyway, here it is. I have very creatively named them "Nutella Microwave S'mores." Clever, right?

Okay, start with this.

Ignore this.

Make them look like this. Use as much or as little Nutella and marshmallows as you prefer.

Cook them like this. This will not make the Nutella warm, but it will prevent your marshmallows from turning your microwave into a gooey, sticky mess. Anyone brave enough to attempt much more than 10-15 seconds, I beg you - PLEASE send me pics of the result!

And TA-DA! You have THIS!!
